Every year there are about 45,000 fresh medical graduates joining the medical profession with already existing 8,50,000 practicing doctors in our country. More than in any profession there is a need to engage them, train and mould them to become a complete doctor. The Medical profession is advancing with newer discoveries and innovations every day and the issues in the doctor patient relationship are also on the rise. The more experienced doctors could impart their experience to the young doctors for our own good and that of our patients.
To achieve the goal of bringing all the young doctors of our country under one roof i.e., IMA, IMA Head Quarters New Delhi, Started this new initiative IMA Junior Doctors Network.
IMA JDN will bring jobs information to our Junior Doctors from both Domestic & International. We have created an Online Job Portal for this purpose General Practice & Family Doctor Concept need to be encouraged for fresh graduates & society also needs sensitization. JDN will do it.
Every year about 70000 MBBS doctors are graduating from nearly 500 medical colleges, across the country. Only 20,000 of them get post graduate seats – IMA JDN will work for increasing the number of PG Seats and address the issues of working hours & fee stricture & examination. IMA JDN also runs a PG Entrance Exam Mobile App to help our junior doctors to get PG seats.
We are conducting an Online Survey of status of Junior Doctors of our country and we have identified the following areas, where IMA JDN will concentrate
"Convert Bullying into Mentoring"
Eagerness to share ones knowledge is an innate quality of human being. Moreover teaching brings in thoroughness with fundamentals. As such, we are planning tutorials for the post graduates through YouTube Channels.
Yes. The culture of research in practice should be encouraged strong documentation of the diagnosis and treatment procedures and the effectiveness of the same will be standardized and facilitated through InfoTech support. Especially JDN will support Young General Practitioners conducting research activities.
IMA JDN will do a pivotal role in CMAAO JDN and SAARC Medical Association and also in World Medical Association. We will liason exchange programmes with other member countries.
We have already signed CMAAO declaration in this regard.
There are plenty of opportunities for young doctors in rural areas and also in delivery primary Healthcare. IMA JDN has suggested to the Government to appoint MBBS graduates in all the wellness centres announced by the Government of India and they should be given preferential treatment in PG admissions.
IMA JDN has horizontally integrated with IMA MSN & IMA WDW and a new wing Doctors4Doctors has been formed with the objective of promoting emotional wellbeing and mental health for medical students, junior doctors & all practitioners. I was the organising chairman of the first ever World Mental Health Day 2days event at IMA HQ on 9th & 10th October 2019. We have also released a book “A guide to wellbeing for medical students we also plan to launch a “Lifeline” for those doctors who become mentally unstable & seek immediate help.
Our society is completely unprepared for even minor disasters. IMA JDN will coordinate with IMA Committee on Disaster Management. IMA JDN will organise a separate Disaster Management Cell Consisting of young doctors in all the states to and help in educating & structuring the IMA Disaster Management units.
This is very much in JDN’s cup of tea. Due to prevailing negative trend in private healthcare industry particularly in medical startups, our youngsters are reluctant to start their own hospital. The factors that are killing medical entrepreneurship like increasing real estate cost, non-availability of law in dense population pockets, inadequate work force & Health Insurance are to be addressed and I have already edited a book on Practical Guide to Hospital Startups.
IMA JDN will pioneer this subject and we will become the guiding force to aspiring and motivated young medicos to start their own Healthcare establishments.
IMA JDN is going to take up this particular role very seriously. We will hold leadership development workshops including communication skills, public speaking, enhancing qualities of courage and assertiveness.
Doctors who graduate from IMA JDN would take-up posts in IMA and they do better.
Our Junior Doctors always bear the brunt of patient’s relatives anger, and that has become the order of the day. IMA JDN will always in the forefront in protesting against any such incidents. We are coming out with Do’s and Don’ts for the Junior Doctors & Residents when such kind of attack anticipated.
IMA HQ is working very hard to get a central law for violence against medical personnel with stringent punishments.
IMA JDN should become the main forum for Junior Doctors around the country to network, collaborate and address all the issues of Junior Doctors.
The IMA local branch will appoint an IMA member as IMA – JDN Branch Chairman. If a local branch is associated with/ near a medical college or other educational institute the local IMA branch will appoint a Chairman who is preferably a staff of the institute (this could be an additional coordinator to the above mentioned) to achieve the above objectives.
Individual Membership fee is Rs. 1000/- rupees
JDN Office Bearers
Dr KM Abul Hasan - Chairman, IMA JDN
Dr. R. Jyothi - Convenor, IMA JDN
North Zone
Dr Karan Juneja (+91 98710 48148)
Dr Rahul Anand (+91 96502 47166)
South Zone
Dr Aravind Swamy (+91 80768 85310)
Dr Arun Kumar (+91 95973 00152)
East Zone
Dr Sourav Kumar (+91 80515 82532)
Dr Rajnish Raj (+91 88092 92770)
West Zone
Dr Akshay Yadav (+91 96733 34149)
Dr Meet Ghonia (+91 83472 88388)
Central Zone
Dr Shankul Dwivedi (+91 90096 64423)
Dr Indranil Deshmukh (+91 95522 09212)
E mail id - [email protected]
Twitter - https://twitter.com/imajdnnational
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/imajdnnational/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/imajdnnational/